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Date: May 15, 2003 11PM
Location: Oshkosh
County: Winnebago

Source: Wisconsin UFO Sighting Report by Lee B.

Details of Incident:


2 recent sightings to report: May 15th, 2003. My dad and I were out in his backyard with a telescope and a digital camera, watching the lunar eclipse. At some point that night, while I was star hopping with my binoculars to locate a Messier object, I saw 3 very distant shapes move across my field of view. I instantly started following it/them through the binoculars. They were so faint I knew I wouldn't be able to find them again if I looked away for even a second. My girlfriend was right next to me and I told her what I was seeing, and she said she could barely see something moving up there in the same direction. The objects appeared to me as 3 orange/red shapes, the light appearing in a ring about the object, not as a solid sphere of light. They moved steadily east, and eventually disappeared in the trees. At first glance, I was just intrigued.. and I didn't think of them being odd until I saw how they moved independently! It wasn't one fixed set of lights, all 3 seemed to bob towards and away from the other while they continued on their path.

Fast forward 5 days to May 20th. Another clear night in Oshkosh to be taken advantage of, I started to set up my scope early at 7pm in my dad's backyard. As I was setting up, my dad reminded me about the 'ufos' I saw, and he suggested it was probably an airplane. At that moment, an airplane flew over my head low in the sky, heading south. Comparing it to the memory of the 'lights', I knew what I saw last week wasn't a normal aircraft. I just got done explaining this to my dad, when the 3 lights appeared again in the sky! Almost exactly at the same position I noticed them last week, except this time they were dramatically bigger. All I could do was poke my dad and point to them, and he was absolutely astonished. They were very large this time, 3 very distinct orange/red rings, like 3 Spaghettios that again were heading East over Lake Winnebago, seeming to sway and swarm about each other slightly. My dad has been an astronomer, and an aviation enthusiast since he was a teen..and he had no explanation for what he saw, at least no earthly one.

After doing some research today on the web, I hadn't found anything that really resembled what I saw until I saw this site. The video clip by Jim Jordan from 7-20-02 (click here to see the video), shows perfectly at one point how 3 of the lights moved about each other in the same relationship that I saw. I'll be keeping a camera by me from now, hopefully I'll have some 'proof' someday.

((UFO Wisconsin Note: This same report is being filed under May 15th and May 20th.

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