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Date: July 20, 2003 11:00PM
Location: Melon (Copper Falls Campground)
County: Ashland

Source: UFO Wisconsin Report by Julie Z.

Details of Incident:


This happened back in the summer when my fiance and I were camping at Copper Falls. We were star gazing at night because of the clear northern skies and looking at Mars since it was out around then. Then, while he was starting to make our campfire, I saw a faint fast-moving object that looked like a star or something else.... I thought that maybe I was just seeing a sattelite, but it moved a lot fast than a sattelite and was a lot brighter.... so I told my fiance about it as soon as I saw it because it scared me a little...and in case it was a UFO, he wouldn't think I am crazy for saying I saw it.:) So we both looked at the sky a bit longer... and it came back! But this time it was much brighter and looked closer to the earth. It looked like it was falling, but was unlike a shooting star because it lasted too long, was too bright, and didn't leave a trail behind it. We have been trying to figure out if what we saw was some kind of test aircraft from the military, or what since then. I didn't have much to do today so I found this website to see if maybe other people in this part of the state have spotted anything like this. I would think it may be more likely to spot these things in northern Wisconsin because there are less city lights and cleaner air... bringing a clearer sky. If anyone else has had a similar sighting, please let me know. I saw some of the other sightings here that sound a little similar, but occurred in different places. Thank you!

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