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Date of Incident: September 3rd, 2005   
Time of Incident: apprx. 3:30am       
Location of Incident: Harshaw, Lincoln County
Other Related Reports: Not Applicable

Source of Report: UFOWisconsin.com online sightings report form Phil Z

Details of Incident:


I was sitting out on my porch early last saturday morning, when all of a sudden I started hearing this high pitched noise. I could barely stand the noise, I have to cover my ears. So i'm looking around trying to figure out where this sound is coming from and I see three oddly shaped crafts floating in the air in a field behind my house. I run into the house to grab my video recorder and run back out to capture these crafts on film. The crafts were only hovering above the ground 20 feet or so. The color of the crafts was dark black, the crafts contained several bright spotlights that seemed to be searching the area frantically. I started walking closer to crafts and started to realise how enormous they were. I started edging closer when all of a sudden a light shinned upon me and the crafts immediately took off, faster than anything I've ever seen, they just disappeared, producing a big gust of wind and throwing me onto the ground.


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Disclaimer: UFOWisconsin.com has not verified the validity of every UFO report published within UFOWisconsin.com.  All reports are added to the database 'as is' received.  The sighting reports posted have many possible explanations, including but not restricted to stars, planets, airplanes, known natural earthly phenomena, hoaxes etc.  We leave it up to the individual viewer to judge the report based upon the content of the report itself.  As investigations occur, that information will be notated on the individual report.