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Date of Incident: September 26th, 2005
Time of Incident: 9:30-10:00pm
Location of Incident: Hudson/river Falls
Other Related Reports: Not Applicable

Source of Report: UFOWisconsin.com online sightings report form by name withheld

Details of Incident:



This was monday night, I went back to the twin cities to pick up my car from the shop. There were hot air ballons over hudson at 5:30 pm. fast forward to 9:30 pm I am on my way back to menomonie on east 94 crossing the border. At this time I saw 3 lights in the sky over Hudson/River Falls direction. They were bright, looked like stars but brighter. little balls of light. they did not move in the sky or get closer of further. at that time I saw a plane come by them, which makes sense, the flight pattern back to the Twin Cities. This struck me odd because if I just saw a plane go by and these things did not move, what were they. my conclusion at the time is maybe the hot air ballons were still flying enjoying the night. But I do not know if they even stay up in the dark. maybe some one can answer that and rule it out. I did not think any thing after that until I saw that other people saw the same strange lights that I did. I did not see what happened to them because I kept driving home. I wanted to share my account to confirm that another person too did see them.


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