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Date of Incident: September 7th, 2005
Time of Incident: 2:00 AM
Location of Incident: Keshena, Kenosha County
Other Related Reports: Not Applicable

Source of Report: UFOWisconsin.com online sightings report form by Paul T

Details of Incident:


I have a cabin in Keshena, Wisconsin right on Legend Lake. I view the stars nightly from my deck overlooking the lake. Almost nightly I see ODD things in the sky, UFOs, (unidentified flying objects) flying in patterns, sometimes flying alone across the sky. On September 6, 2005 in the Western Sky VERY FAR AWAY, if you were looking directly west and by using your watch for a direction, at the 2:00 area in the sky, a BRIGHT White Star appeared suddenly, out of NO WHERE, a short time after it stopped bright Red, Orange and Blue lights (objects) began going around the Bright Star, this lasted about 1/2 hour. My wife and I got a pair of binocular and were looking at the star with binoculars, the objects that were colored and were circulateing seemed to be retangular in shape. There were 3 of these objects going around and around the STAR, then another bright white object came from the North Eastern direction and suddenly STOPPED near the Star with the rotateing objects. The colored objects seemed to go behind the Bright star at this time and were not visible any longer. A bright RED object came from the bright star that came from the Northeastern direction and SHOT towards the Star that had the 3 colored objects rotateing it. The Red object began circulateing the other star, all of a sudden the bright Star I first viewed SHOT out and away into the sky and disappeared, the Red object returned to the Bright White Object (UFO) that it came from and seemed to disappear into the White Star. The Bright White Star (UFO) then SHOT back out towards the direction it came from and then just disappeared in the the dark, star filled sky. This viewing lasted about 2 hours total. Some of my neighbors were viewing this beautiful encounter along with my wife and myself The neighbors were talking about it with their visitors that were sitting by the camp fire during this sighting. I see things like this in the North, Western, Northwestern, Northeastern sky almost nightly when I am up there viewing the stars from my deck overlooking the L


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