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Date of Incident: October 4th, 2005
Time of Incident: 7:15
Location of Incident: Lacrosse, Lacrosse County
Other Related Reports: Not Applicable

Source of Report: UFOWisconsin.com online sightings report form by name withheld

Details of Incident:


At about 7:15 on Tuesday Oct. 4 2005 I walked out my front door which faces west and immediately saw what i first thought to be the evening star [which is it mercury or venus?] but i realized it wasn't it was to far to the south and it looked just like the star of bethlahem. It had a large very bright main body with what looked like small points on the side and a long bright tail below. I called to my wife to have her look so I was for sure I wasn't see things or my eyes were deceiving me. She saw what I saw. We looked at the object in my binoculars and it looked like a upside down cresent moon with fingers, legs, things below, its hard to discribe. The things below made up the the tail. It was moving but was very slow slower it seemed than the setting stars. Kath watched for about twenty mins I watched for awhile longer. The object moved in a south westerly direction and eventually pasted behind some clouds at which time we noticed that the clouds began to illuminate from the object. It then vanished behind the clouds. Thats it I asked a few other people but no one saw it. I am an avid sky watcher and look up each and every time I go out side day or night. So I know when some thing is not normal and this was not normal. Whether it was an abberation of the atmosphere or some thing rlse it was exciting and I am glad I have a witness to cooberate what I saw.


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