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Issue 08 - July 25, 2002

Editor: Jim Aho

In this issue:
1. UFO Daze 2002 Review
2. Vortex Perspective on Weather
3. Ruby's Past Life Visions Part I
4. Is There A Foolproof Way to Identify a UFO?
5. The Cherokee vs The Greys

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UFO Daze 2002 Review

Article by Jim Aho

Every July UFO enthusiasts from Wisconsin and beyond gather in Dundee Wisconsin for an event that has been dubbed "UFO Daze." In addition to being a great opportunity to meet people, swap stories, and make friends, the past few years the event has even produced UFO sightings. This year UFO Daze, which was held this past weekend, had more than its share of excitement. Let's take it from the beginning...

Morning Crop Circle Report

Before the event even kicked off at noon on Saturday, a small group of people were standing outside on the shores of Long Lake talking about their favorite topic - UFOs. Since Benson's Hideaway, the home of UFO Daze, has a boat landing, it certainly isn't uncommon for boats to come and go throughout the day. One of these boats happened to contain a couple of water patrol officers, so the group took the opportunity to ask them if they've ever seen any strange activity while patrolling the lake. No, they answered, they've never seen anything on the lake. Oh well, doesn't hurt to ask, does it? But then one of them reluctantly continued and reported that he had seen a strange formation in a field on his way to work that morning. He wasn't sure if it meant anything or not, but it sure had caught his attention.

A crop circle on UFO Daze? Could this be true? The word quickly got around that a car was going to check it out. That car quickly became three cars, and this mini caravan travelled out to the site of the formation. At first glance it did look like a crop circle that covered most of a large field, but closer inspection showed that the plants were simply bent over at ground level, not at the nodes as is typical with crop circles. Then one of the people who had come along explained that this kind of thing is typical when the tops of the plants become heavy. A simple morning dew can make some of the larger plants actually fall down. So no crop circle, but the paranormal excitement had begun.

The Speakers

The speakers began at 1:00 pm with Bill Kuehn, the founder of UFO Daze. He was followed by a speaker named Drew who gave an overview of the shadow government. This provided a good introduction to Mike Schratt, who gave a very interesting presentation on the government's black projects. If what he said was true, the government has a whole lot more flying around than we know about.

At 3:00 pm John Hoppe, the director of UFOWisconsin, took the podium. He related some classic Wisconsin UFO stories, and also gave some background on the purpose and mission of UFOWisconsin. John then gave a preview of a few new topics that he plans to add to the site, including chemtrails, crop circles and alien abductions. Be sure to watch the UFOWisconsin website over the next few months for these new changes: http://www.UFOWisconsin.com.

John was followed by Bonnie Meyer of The Lightside study group out of Appleton Wisconsin. She related many stories about the personal contact that the five members of the group have had over the years. Her main message was that none of them had ever had a classic alien abduction experience, and most of their alien contact has been completely benevolent. To read more about their experiences and about the group, visit http://www.thelightside.org.

The final speaker of the day was Heidi Hollis. She began her presentation by showing how many types of aliens are out there and she also presented a number of examples from ancient artwork that show that aliens have been with us throughout history. Are they still here? Heidi says yes, and she has met many of them. But more importantly, she warns that the typical aliens that we know as the greys and reptilians are often controlled by a more menacing force called the "Shadows" which she writes about in her book entitled The Secret War: The Heavens Speak of the Battle. To read more about Heidi, her experiences, and her book, visit www.ufo2u.com.

The Skywatch

UFO Daze wouldn't be complete without a skywatch. This event began at 8:00 pm. By this time most of the people had made a lot of new friends, and conversations about UFO theories and experiences were commonplace. Suddenly, at around 9:00, all these conversations stopped when someone exclaimed "Look, what's that?" Everyone's eyes looked toward the northern sky as a bright amber orb rose above the treetops. This orb was then followed by a second orb, and eventually six of them made their way across the sky. This original display was later followed by an object that contained three lights in formation that flew over the crowd from south to north.

At this time, reports are still coming in from eyewitnesses, and an investigation into the sighting is also being performed. To see the latest developments, along with photos and video of the sighting, visit http://www.UFOWisconsin.com/bensons/ufodaze2002_sightings.html.

As always, UFO Daze was an interesting adventure.

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Vortex Perspective on Weather

Thanks To Michael Mandeville

Website: www.michaelmandeville.com

Editor's Note: Not your typical weather report.

You might be interested in the kind of work I am doing with my "vortex perspective" on how the weather and tectonic activity of the Earth work. Here is a copy of the most recent bulletin I sent out this week which outlines what is happening with the weather and why and when and how it is likely to change.

May 30, 2002 by MW Mandeville

ITEM(S): Earth Changes Update As Of May 29, 2002

Polar Motion

Normal. No instability is apparent.

Volcanism and El Popo Watch

Activity in El Popo dropped off to just 13 events a day. Surface volcanism everywhere is tepid and in a state of decline at the moment.

Full Moon Syzygy

Weak tectonic activity was tepid. Only one quake on the Full Moon above 3.0 in mag.

Earthquakes General

For all quakes above 3.0 in mag, the greatest number came within the day following the last update last Wednesday May 22. They came right at the beginning of the Full Moon Syzygy with 14 quakes on May 23, then 8 the next day which is within the overall daily average. There was only one quake the day before the Full Moon which was resoundingly underscored by only one quake on the day of the Full Moon. Thereafter, there were only a handful of quakes each day.

On Wednesday May 22, I predicted a large increase in size and numbers and I was exactly wrong. The size and numbers were below average for a Full Moon. So, just keep me predicting quakes and every time I do, expect the opposite of what I say.

The majority of the quakes were centered in the Andes Mountain, Indonesia, New Zealand, and the Aleutians. The largest quake for this Syzygy window was a 6.5 in Alaska.

Most significantly, there was a 5.0 quake in the middle of the Arctic Ocean and a 3.2 quake in Southern Ontario during the last few days. The quake in the Arctic Ocean is highly significant. A few days prior to it, a quake struck on Jan Mayan Island a little North of Iceland. There are very few quakes this far North and these two quakes are worth noting because of Cayce’s prediction that "upheavals in the frigid zones" will make for "volcanism in the torrid zones" (paraphrased quotations). Both of these recent quakes were directly on the Great Oceanic Rift zone which snakes through the Atlantic Ocean into and over the North Pole in the Arctic Ocean. Obviously there is spreading action under way on this Rift and these quakes may be part of the signature which betrays the cause of Global Warming.

The waters in both the Arctic and Antarctic and evidently warming up, as has been noted by many reports from local and indigenous peoples and from Earth scientists during the past few years, especially during the past year. From the vortex principles, it is likely that underwater volcanism is the source of the heat for this warming trend, which is apparently also contributing significantly to the Global Warming phenomenon. These two quakes seem to demonstrate that spreading mot ion and heat release in the Arctic is indeed increasing.

Global Warming Discovery

Recent discoveries in the South Pacific area north of New Zealand have recently mapped out major new underwater volcanoes and vents in the Pacific Great Rifts as well, one of which was reported to be venting huge quantities of water at 70 degrees centigrade in greater volume than previously discovered. Great expanses of the ocean floors and rifts remained unknowns, but every time the depths are examined, more and more evidence is accumulating that under water volcanism and heat venting along the Great Rift of the Earth is an highly active regular feature of the Earth. If these heat engines have increased their activity fourfold since the 1950’s as did the surface volcanoes, it is easy to see why Global Warming is quite likely to be caused by tectonic activity inside the Earth and thus is a signature of the Change of the Earth as predicted by Edgar Cayce rather than as a pollution problem caused by the so-called greenhouse gasses. (but please do not use this probable fact to rationalize continued air pollution by inefficient fossil fuels).

El Nino

The temperature of water along the Pacific Equator is increasingly close to average levels. Increasingly, El Nino should be considered to be unlikely for this year and probably for next year as well. El Nino never occurs when the X Wave is at its Max every 6.5 years. During the next year, the X Wave will be going into its Max as Chandler’s Wobble reaches close to its 50 foot maximum size.

The temperature of the Caribbean is fortunately cooling, which will be good news for the fisheries in the Gulf states and Caribbean Islands.

The Weather Chaos

The El Nino is generally considered to be bad news and so its absence should be considered to be good news. Unfortunately, the Southwest and Intermountain states are beginning to hope for the very wet season which El Nino generally brings to the deserts and arid regions of North America. The drought in Arizona is officially at four years now, and is considered to be the worst in 50 years. This news is now the most important news in the Southwest and officials are hoping for the wetness of an El Nino to overcome the drought.

They are likely to be hoping in vain as El Nino is not likely to come for another two or three years when the X Wave Max is passed and the size of Chandler’s Wobble declines by about one third.

The best hope for the Southwest and other areas currently stricken by drought lies in a rapid decrease in the number of sunspots and the end of this recent peak in the eleven year sunspot cycle. This current peak period in Sunspot Cycle 23 is now about 2.5 years old which is unusually long. Although the total numbers of sunspots is lower than the number which appeared in many previous highs in the 11 year cycles, the total energy released by solar flares, storms, Coronal Mass Ejections and the general solar flux, appears to have been higher than in previous cycles. This unusually high level of solar energy, which comes mainly in the form of highly charged ions and electrons, has directly energized the Earth’s atmosphere. The unusually high amounts of charged energy has radically distorted the jet streams to throw the normal progression of seasonal change way off-kilter and create chaos in the normal weather patterns. Extreme drought in some areas is mixed with exceptional wetness in others, while cold and hot areas have sometimes seemed to switch positions.

Climatologists still haven't caught onto the dynamics here. They are trying to focus on heat budgets and heat cycles. But it is not heat from the sun nor reflected heat in the atmosphere which is causing the current chaos, nor Global Warming, nor any of the cycles they are trying to understand.

The reason for the current chaos is very simple. The increase in the ionic energy from the Sun is turning the refrigeration cycle of the Earth (atmospheric circulation) up to maximum plus. Much more moisture than normal is being taken off the oceans, thus cooling the Equatorial zones a bit (and quite possibly destroying the El Nino effect which was due). The ionic energy in the atmosphere causes more of this moisture to ascend higher in elevation and in latitude before sinking back to earth as it cools off. These heavier and warmer masses of air drive the jet stream higher to the North up to Alaska and the Yukon before it begins to cool and precipitate out over the North American continent. This in turn causes a more extreme spiraling curve in the jet stream over North America down the Rockies which prevents moist air from the California coast from flowing in over Arizona and New Mexico.

Similarly, the extreme up and down pattern of the jet stream is displacing the normal flow of air and moisture out of the normal pattern for the seasons in all parts of North America. Very much the same pattern of extremes in the flow of the jet stream is creating havoc in the weather in various ways on the other continents of the Earth.

The result in regional climates is chaos. Nothing is quite right. Some areas are wetter and colder than normal. Other areas are much drier than normal. Currently the Pacific Southwest is in the dire grip of a dire drought which may create major emergencies in water shortages and fires during the next twelve months before the rainfall patterns return to normal.

Solar Cycle 23 is already falling off its peak though current conditions will not change much until summer arrives. The close fly-by of Mercury this week is drawing a large amount of increased ionic energy to the Earth at the present time and this will maintain the chaos during the next two weeks at least. But by the Summer Solstice, the numbers of sunspots, flares, CME’s, and other storms should be much diminished. Mercury will have sped past the Earth and its ionic influences will weaken drastically. The solar flux should have also fallen off to levels close to average for the long time between the peaks of activity every 11 years.

Hopefully this will allow the Summer Monsoons in the American Southwest, in the Asian Subcontinent, and in other areas to be more normal than the last two years. For Arizona and New Mexico, the Monsoons may yield close to the five inches of rain in the dry areas which is typical during July and August. If so, the thunderstorms, winds, and tornadoes on the Eastern side of the Continental Divide will be more virulent than normal (because of the higher levels of energy in the atmosphere) and possibly more numerous as wells.

What to Watch For

Rapid decline of the daily number of sunspots to less than 100, and staying below 100. Similar decline in the solar flux index number. As these numbers decline the jet stream, as can be seen on the maps of the Weather Channel, should flatten from a robust spiral shape to become more of a weakly undulating line, ideally entering North America over British Columbia or Washington State. The more the jet stream passes over the Cascades near Tahoma (Mt. Rainier the better The more this condition appears, the more the weather will be average or normal everywhere. This condition should become fairly obvious by the end of June unless Solar Cycle 23 has some more major surprises for us. If per chance the jet stream enters over the North American continent over California, the more likely it is that exceptional summer rains in the Southwest will produce major flooding.

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Ruby's Past Life Visions Part I

Thanks To Ruby

Website: http://ca.geocities.com/rubyhoney97402

Editor's Note: Ruby has sent in some very interesting stories. Here are the first three, and I'll be publishing more of them in upcoming editions of Pancake Perspectives..

Somewhere in between "real" experiences occurring in daily life and intense, vivid dreams that have a spiritual and emotional impact, are memories that don't, or won't, fit into any neat context. What their connection to UFOs, the paranormal and the "otherworld" is, I don't know. But these memories -- most of them from childhood -- nudge at me, and there is a vague veil floating around them that has a whisper of the paranormal connection to them.


My husband has told me he has memories of this same event. When I was a child, the "little gray puppet-wolves" would come around. Whenever I was in bed, no matter what time of day; nap time, morning, or night, these small gray wolf-like beings would pop up around the edges of my bed. They weren't exactly evil, or particularly negative, but I didn't like them. They annoyed me. I would shut my eyes, hoping they'd go away. But a lot of the time they'd still be there. They seemed to think it was funny, my wanting them to leave, and my irritation. They left in their own time. They just popped up to annoy me, on purpose.


I'm around seven or eight years old. I don't remember who I'm with; I want to say my grandmother or mom, but not sure. (The more I think about it, I don't think it's my mother.) I don't remember if my sisters and brother are with me. We're somewhere in the deserty part of Southern California, a rural area. The grown-ups are inside; I'm by myself, out front, playing. There is no fence around the property; we're out in the open. The dirt is sandy, scrubby. The yard sort of slopes down to the dusty road. I hear a car, and look up. I see a black car coming down the driveway. Suddenly I'm scared, I realize there isn't any driver! I think logically, in a panic: well, maybe the driver is short, or I can't see from this angle. But the car is moving along very purposely, not out of control, and as I run up to get a little closer, it is clear there is NO DRIVER. There is just no one in the car! The car turns onto the road. Still nothing, no driver, no passengers. I am frightened; I don't know what to do. I look back at the house; but somehow know it's no use going in there and telling the adults what I've seen. I really don't like this place at all.


About eight years ago I went to visit a friend of mine who was housesitting. The man he was housesitting for made several trips to Mexico, collecting folk art objects. In this house were several items from Mexican villages that he had collected, including a very strange cloak. The clock hung from hooks on the wall. It was studded with little thorns, a bright green color. I think the cloak was made from some type of plant type material. I was drawn to it; kept looking at it, touching it. It felt smooth, slick, not like cloth but like a cucumber skin or something.

Leaving my friend and the house, I suddenly felt incredibly tired. True, it was a hot summer afternoon, but still, I shouldn't have been that tired. I mean I was exhausted, and the moment I got home I just fell onto my bed, and went into a deep sleep. I had the weirdest dreams! Lots of chanting, and desert scenes, dancing and the sound of small tinkling bells. I "woke up" but could still hear theses sounds. It took all the energy I had to "snap out of it." For about two or three days after, I just felt weird. Not bad, but out of place, like I was in a trance.

Awhile later the man who lived in the house told me the cloak was used for ceremonial religious purposes and worn only by the shamans.

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Is There A Foolproof Way to Identify a UFO?

Thanks To John

Editor's Note: When I hear the term UFO I think of it as just that, an Unidentified Flying Object - something that is flying that we can't identify. In his article, John provides some ideas that might help us identify the unidentified.

Many people have devised theories, over the years, to explain the otherwise unexplainable. This is perfectly natural. Humans have an in-built need to know, which is going to be satisfied one way or another. However, simply devising alternative theories, in the hope that one will hit the mark is a particularly crude approach. However, this is exactly how UFOlogy has been approached, from the earliest sightings up to the present day.

This begs an important question. Is there a truly scientific way of determining what any given UFO is? A way that doesn't leave question-marks, can be independently verified, and will determine once and for all whether the Earth has (at ANY time) been visited by living beings from another planet?

The answer is "maybe".

When we think of a typical UFO report, we think of photographs, eyewitness accounts and the occasional dimple in the ground. There are also claims of strong magnetic fields, in a few instances. None of these are particularly convincing, though. If they were, there would be nothing to argue over, now, except maybe whether "their" media is any more reliable.

In order to produce a "definitive" experiment, we need some criteria which allow us to be as certain as we can ever be as to what we are seeing. To be useful, these criteria must be simple enough for anybody to apply them, and strict enough that interpretation is extremely limited. So, what could these criteria be?

First, we need some fool-proof way of determining if we are actually seeing anything at all. Reflected lights can easily be mistaken for a UFO. (They may well be unidentified, but they are neither flying, nor an object.) This one isn't too difficult, fortunately. There are two types of reflection - diffuse and direct. Diffuse reflection travels more-or-less equally in all directions. A good example is light bouncing off a tennis ball. Direct reflection, on the other hand, travels in a very narrow cone from the point of reflection. What does this tell us? Well, if two people see essentially the same thing, from significantly different angles, then they cannot be seeing the same direct reflection. It can either be a diffuse reflection or two light sources, but that's it. If the object is clearly visible, then it cannot be a diffuse reflection, which involves the random scattering of light. The only reflection that is "clear" is a direct reflection. That's why you generally see yourself better in a mirror than off a rough surface, such as the aforementioned tennis ball, even though the light from you is reflected off both.

We can conclude, therefore, that if the same object is visible in two directions at the same time, and that the object is clearly visible, not hazy, then it is something physical and not a simple reflection off a hazy sky, some clouds, or a window. Here, photographic evidence is needed. If you can produce two photographs with sufficient information to determine both the position and angle of the cameras, where those cameras meet the criteria above, and where the photographs are demonstrably from the same time-frame, then you have indisputable evidence of something physical existing.

This brings us to the next question. What, exactly, is it that we are seeing? There are plenty of planets, meteor/ites, stars and satellites "out there". These aren't too bad to eliminate. Again, we need those cameras. This time, we need each camera to photograph the object twice. It doesn't matter if the cameras aren't in sync. It doesn't even matter if the object hasn't moved. What we want is the relative motion of the object to the surroundings, and for that, it really doesn't matter if it's the object or the surroundings that move. It works either way.

By observing the relative motion, from two points, we can determine distance. This is how the eyes work, for example. We need the four images, though, because we have four unknowns. Time is an unknown, here, because we have no means of knowing when the photographs from the cameras were taken. We compensate for this by having two images from the same point.

Because we know we are dealing with a direct light source, or direct reflection, we know that light can be "reversed". No, that doesn't mean you can buy an attachment to your camera to shoot light-rays. What it means is that a computer can trace the light back from the camera to the source. Since we can do this from two different directions, and from two different points in time, we can precisely fix the position of the object. Those familiar with the technique of navigating by "dead-reckoning" will be familiar with this kind of triangulation, though probably not to this degree of sophistication.

Once we know the distance of the object, we can also determine its size. If we find that the object is about the size of a basketball, and is clear of the Earth's atmosphere, then there is a reasonable chance that we're seeing a satellite. On the other hand, if it's considerably larger than that, and considerably closer, then we can also rule out meteors, meteorites and other natural phenomena. (About the only natural phenomenon which could meet these criteria would be a small asteroid or comet fragment, in which case it's unlikely the photographer or the photograph would have survived.)

The third thing we need to rule out is aircraft - known or unknown, at any altitude, and of any type. We can't rely on motion, as helicopters and a limited number of VTOL aircraft do very much exist, and are not particularly of interest. Unless you have 100,000 Pepsi points and want to claim a free Harrier jump-jet!

Aircraft are much harder to deal with, but not impossible. For a start, aircraft are unbelievably noisy (neither the civil nor military aviation industries seem keen on fitting mufflers), so anything that is relatively close and quiet is definitely not an aircraft.

There are better ways to tell, though. For this, you need a prism, or some other means of splitting up light. A diffraction grating would be ideal, but not many people carry those around with them. What's this for? Well, all chemicals absorb specific frequencies of light. All you need to do is see what's missing from the light you see from the object in question. If the bands of light that are missing are the same as those for burned or unburned fossil fuels, then you're looking at a vehicle that is using a standard combustion engine. Nothing to get too excited about. On the other hand, if those bands are present, then you're looking at something much more interesting.

Documenting or photographing the bands is important, to provide proof of what you are seeing.

If there are bands missing, but not ones you would expect, you can look up to see what elements are present. From that, you may be able to deduce what kind of fuel would have produced such a by-product. If there are no reasonable candidate fuels, or if no bands are present at all, then you need to go onto the final stage of the test.

At this point, we've ruled out all optical illusions, natural phenomena, aircraft and other terrestrial possibilities. However, we want to make 100% sure of our deduction, and so we want one further piece in this puzzle.

For this, you will need a helium balloon, preferably the sort used for meteorology, a small vacuum cleaner and a filter. Oh, and some way of getting the whole lot down again. What you are trying to do is get some of that air. The chemicals present in it will hang around for a long time, so there's no panic, but the sooner you can get an air sample, the better.

What you're wanting is something you can send to a laboratory, to have them test for the isotope ratios of any of those bands you saw. If the isotope ratios do NOT conform to the ratios that occur naturally on Earth, you have all the proof you need. Collect this evidence together, and present the case to any scientist you like. If they are at all willing to examine the possibility, they will find the evidence watertight. There are no alternatives that meet all the criteria, although there are plenty that meet some, and many that meet one or two.

Will this ever happen? Unlikely. Too much equipment is needed, by too many people. But if it did, it could settle the question, once and for all, beyond any shadow of doubt.

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The Cherokee vs The Greys

Thanks to

Editor's Note: Here's an interesting historical perspective. Did the Cherokee also have to deal with the greys?

According to a British historian by the name of Barton, in his book New Views of the Origin of the Tribes and Nations of America, written in the late 1700's American could have been inhabited by greys or some race similar to them. As the story goes, "the Cherokee tell us that when they first arrived in the country which they inhabit, they found it occupied by 'light-bluish skinned,' 'moon-eyed' people. Their eyes were very sensitive and could not see in the day time. These wretches the Cherokee expelled from the land and they then claimed it for themselves. This was communicated to me by Colonel Leonard Marbury, a very intelligent gentleman, who has given me much important information concerning the southern Indians."

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DISCLAIMER: Pancake Perspectives is an open forum filled with stories, experiences, beliefs, and theories from many people. The views within the newsletter are the opinion of the individual writer(s), and do not reflect the opinions, views, or beliefs of UFOWisconsin.