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Issue 19 - December 26, 2002

Editor: Jim Aho

In this issue:
1. Your Take On Taken
2. Ashburton, Devon, England UFOs
3. The Paul Schroeder Story
4. Alum: My Guardian Angel
5. Anti-Gravity Propulsion Hypothesis

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Your Take On Taken

Editor's Note: From what I've seen, Steven Spielberg's Taken series which recently aired on the Sci-Fi channel is the most talked about UFO related series that I've seen in a long time. We recently asked for reader's opinions of the show, and thank you all for the great response! Some loved it, some thought it was somewhat inaccurate. Either way, here is what you said...

Thanks To Brynne {la luna}

As an Experiencer and as someone who's read a great deal on the topic of Ufology I'd say the series suffered because it used different directors for portions of its mini-series. The first 3 episodes were the best imo as far as visuals and acting.

Nothing about the aliens appearance was realistic. In actuality the greys heads are much larger, their faces much more sunken in and expressionless(lips and nose mere slits) and the eyes are NOT baby blues. LOL! Grey eyes are dark, pupiless black and wrap around the heads in an unnerving way. And Greys float much of the time. When they do "walk" it's in a weird jerky motion. Much of the time they're semi-transparent too and go through walls, furniture and take you through "solid" objects too.

What was realistic was the overwhelming sense addressed and conveyed of being "outclassed" by the powers of these beings and of the alien-to-human mind connection, where thoughts and all memories from all times are overwhelming. In reality that will either make you or break you.

Also fairly realistic was the here now and gone in a flash nature of the phenomena. You're "taken" as if into another dimension, instantaneously and UFOs appear and vanish instantaneously.

The last half of Taken was really a playing out of the story of Christ with a sassy twist. Christ, this time around, was female and she wisely left after showing her powers, without trying to convert. And Ali's Judas (the U.S. government and its operatives) repented and redeemed themselves at the end by letting Ali's parents go and closing the case.

I'd give the series a C+. It was, after all, fiction.

Thanks To AncientKnight

I read the book "Taken" and also watched the mini-series. I felt the movie and book concentrated too much on the Roswell crash. As if the only people who have been abducted were in some way connected to the crash. Roswell was an excellent starting point for the movie but it should have moved on to other people that claim to have been taken. The movie would have been more interesting to me if Mr. Spielberg had tried to stay close to actual documented abduction cases instead of the SciFi version. The Hill's case, the Walton abduction, Hickson and Parker just to name a few. Maybe someday a non-fiction version of abductions with an accurate time line of the events will be made. Until then the science fiction is just that.

Thanks To Bill

Hi all, After I watched all 20 hours of the project, thats pretty much how I felt, Taken! I guess even Steven feels that were not old enough yet to get the real story behind the abductions, the one the Govt. doesn't want anyone to know. Look at all the reports you know of and the hundreds you don't know of, that interwoven into this project, might have made us so much more aware of our situation on this marble. If the idea was to truly open the doors on the Freedom of Information Act contents concerning this topic, then it failed. Looks like another 25 years before that's even a remote possibility now.

Thanks To Sierra Rayne

I liked it, it was an awesome Spielberg presentation. If you think about it, Taken could not answer all our questions about the UFOs because nobody knows the answers! I thought it was great to spend a whole week on the history and then to switch to sci-fi mode. The only major question I had was: if the aliens were only trying to make Ally, then why were did soooo many people have implants that were still active after she was born? I think they did leave it open though at the end for a 2nd part; I only hope it is shorter than 10 days!

Thanks To Stefan Duncan

The movie tried to encompass a lot. The aliens looked pretty good. But on the whole, it was a let down and very predictable. The last two shows were awful. The mother was terrible actress and was given lines of only sobbing and whining. Good drama is that you care about what happens to your characters. The mother and father...well, something was missing. I had more dramatic feelings for the bad guys.

A UFO is coming so you send a dozen no brain military grunts. The general was a blooming idiot... so inconfident. It was the scientist that gave any lifeline to the series.

With hundreds upon hundreds of people abducted and mated, why only this girl?

Alien, little girl's father, lives after dozens of shots. Rides in the back of the vehicle and no one talks to him. I would be asking 50 million questions. Everyone sits up front and he sits in the back hunched over dying.

Oh, everyone in the country knows now where the girl is because of the radio and the government takes days to get there???

Thanks To Tianca

What I saw I thought was pretty good. Not very accurate, but good for Hollywood.

Was it accurate? On some things yes. But the ending left much to be desired. WHY would all those people be "taken" without having more than one child at the end who had powers? I mean, get real!! These are powers that are inherent in the human species, why wouldn't more have them if trained properly? That is how the movie wasn't accurate. There are MILLIONS of them on the planet now, people who not only have the powers, but know how to use them. We have miracle kids being born now that run rings around most humans. Also, they didn't show all the humans that got HEALED by their abducters. They didn't show more contactees. They didn't show the nice things that the aliens do for us. They didn't show that people are contacted in their dreams first. They didn't show how the dolphins and whales fit in. They didn't show how the planet is getting ready for a pole shift, and how the weather is freaking out and scaring the scientists, who haven't a clue how to explain what is happening. It didn't show a damn thing about how the Starseeds are learning to use the Internet and how to network online. They should have shown how well the Art Bell show works on getting people together.

Was it far-fetched? Actually, it was rather lame, by leaving out so much that is pertinent to what is going on. But for Hollywood, it was pretty good. At least we didn't have monsters drooling at us, wanting to conquer the world or some such nonsense.

Did it mirror any of your own experiences? Are you kidding? No. Mine were a whole lot more interesting!

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Ashburton, Devon, England UFOs

Thanks To Andrew Bell

Editor's Note: Here's another UFO report that UFOWisconsin recently received from across the Atlantic:

Date of sighting: 12/12/1998
Time: 02:00
City of Sighting: Ashburton, Devon, England
Amount of time observed: Twice
Number of objects: One
Object appeared from: West
Object heading to: East
Did it make noise: Yes

Details of Sightings
I apologize for the vagueness. The first sighting was in December 1998 around 12th Very late at night. I pointed out a satellite which traversed the sky to my girlfriend. As i did so what i would describe as a flying wing with four lights underside and illumination round its outer edge passed over. Sometime later i pointed out the satellite making its second pass. ONLY TO SEE THE UFO AGAIN. I pointed out that if the UFO was at the same height as the satellite it would have been the size of a city. Also if it had come over a second time it was travelling at the same speed as the satellite: 18000 mph. Our second sighting was much more spectacular I watched a UFO cross a valley passing over a town nearby it flew over our stable yard and out towards the moors. This vehicle had a triangular underside with a light in each corner, These lights were joined by what appeared to be huge pipes. The craft was flying at about 50 mph and at a height of about 50 feet. I could have thrown a rock at it! it was that close. Topside the craft appeared cubic. Rectangular at front with a tower to the rear giving an L shape. Every edge was illuminated as i experienced with my earlier sighting. The craft emitted only a deep humming noise as it flew over our heads. I have looked through your visual data to try and find an image of what we saw. I am desperate and need help to either create a copy of the craft or with the help of an artist create an image of what we saw. Can you please help me? There are three independent witnesses to this sighting and I think I need a de-briefing of some kind to help me put this behind me or show the world what we saw.

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The Paul Schroeder Story

Thanks To Paul Schroeder

Website: http://iwasabducted.com/schroeder

Editor's Note: This is just the beginning of the Paul Shroeder story. To read the whole thing, click on the web site address above. Very interesting...

As an abductee for my whole life I have stumbled through unknowingness to suspicion to resistance and offer rare insights and advice to detect and thwart alien soul and body tampering Degrees & Certifications: published widely and recognized as an eloquent note in the chorus of barbaric yawps concerning experts who've never seen or confronted these myriad entities, personally for 45 years.

At night, your astral body travels to realms from angelic to demonic, a spirit world of myriad vibration levels and the pictures you see on the backs of your eyelids, while you R.E.M., are not dreams but visits, souvenirs of a greater reality. Like a goldfish who never suspects a greater world beyond the ponds surface, the limited awareness of humankind floats beneath the surface of a greater reality; groping, mouth agape in total ignorance.

Aliens have failed to hybridize, and now invade astrally to abduct, monitor, and possess; to entangle their energies with ours to ride the reincarnation roller coaster of our auras giving a new meaning to a silent invasion; these are my experiences. I am a fifty year old happily married father of two extraordinary teens. I am one who writes, landscapes, crafts his own ales, hunts mushrooms, breeds native giant silk moths, and teaches.

My wife and I have been friends and lovers for over twenty years, and she supports my hobbies and writing with a skeptical and cautious approach which has helped to keep me centered. I have seen different subspecies of alien entities since I was a young child living on Shore Road in Brooklyn until my later years as a resident of Long Island, and I am convinced that many others have also struggled to assess and grasp similar indigestible experiences which challenge everything we've ever been taught. Abductions and their remnant elusive memories have opened all this for me; a confirmed atheist until I saw aliens float me out of my body, in my bed, at night. Then I knew they were interested in an essence I never suspected I had: a soul.

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Alum: My Guardian Angel

Thanks To Suzi

Editor's Note: Here's an interesting account that points out the difference between alien contact (which is voluntary) being much different that alien abduction (which from what I hear usually involuntary). Suzi also points out an interesting tidbit about the term "aliens" and suggests that her contact has been with beings much like us, so are they really aliens?

In 1986 my now deceased husband and I were taken on board several times and I wrote a book of some of the experiences that led to this encounter. We were invited though and not taken. The book "Alum: My Guardian Angel" by Suzi Del Ray on booksurge.com tells of how it all began and some experiences as I am doing a second book now on other travels with my space brothers I prefer to call them. We after all go to the moon and yet do not refer to ourselves as aliens so I was told by the Commander of this ship to refer to them as Space Brothers and Sisters. If you care to know more here is a link to go to and view the first chapter and order the book if you desire:


Thanks and Light and Love

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Anti-Gravity Propulsion Hypothesis

Thanks To Russell E. Rierson

Editor's Note: Do you all have your thinking caps on? If not, I'd suggest going to get it before venturing into the following article. On second thought, maybe you better wear two of them.

Hello, this is the "hypothesis" of inertia-gravity and the conservation of momentum-energy, and spacetime.

A diffeomorphism is basically a map between manifolds with the term "manifold" a topological space which is locally Euclidean. An infinitely differentiable bijection also with a differentiable inverse.

An "inverse expansion" would be material and radiative contraction. A type of mathematical "inverse" of spatial expansion. Expansion and inverse expansion are defined by the wavefunction of the universe:

psi(q) = integral exp(-S(g)/hbar) dg
g|X = q

The integral is taken over Riemannian metrics g on a 4-ball whose boundary is X, and the integration is over metrics that restrict to a given metric q on X - that's what is meant by writing g|X = q. The quantity S(g) is the Einstein-Hilbert action of the metric g - in other words, the integral of the Ricci scalar curvature of g over the 4-ball.

I figure that both expansion AND inverse expansion ARE logically valid explanations! Defined by the wavefunction and inverse wavefunction. The intersection (a+bi)*(a-bi) = a^2 + b^2. The Pythagorean theorem - spacetime metric.

Remember the "T-Duality" of string theory? A type of isomorphism.


Really T-Duality says:

The physics for a circle of radius R is the same for a circle of radius 1/R .

So a type of diagram for the "self organizing" {self creating}, self containing universe, would be:


Infinity and continuity would be explained as quantum wavefunction "potential". Discrete finite particles (qwf intersection) would be explained as quantum wavefunction "actualization-collapse".

How can the "relativistic effects" be described by quantum wavefunctions, when the wavefunctions describe the position and momentum of particles in a background OF space?

In quantizing spacetime geometry, we won't get wavefunctions based on a background space. The space of wavefunctions can be thought of the space of square-integrable wavefunctions over classical configuration space. In ordinary quantum mechanics, configuration space is space itself {i.e.,to describe the configuration of a particle, location in space is specified}. In general relativity, there is a more general kind of configuration space: taken to be the space of 3-metrics {"superspace", not to be confused with supersymmetric space} in the geometrodynamics formulation,{or the space of connections of an appropriate gauge group)in the Ashtekar/loop formulation. So the wavefunctions will be functions over these abstract spaces, not space itself-- the wavefunction _defines_ "space itself".

The *process* is the "function of functions". Time is a function OF time. With flat sheets, foliations of space, or equatorial planes, the light cone cross section corresponding to a circle would be a "rotated" light cone near a massive object. Using abstract generalizations of course!

The two light cones form a relationship, describing degrees of rotation and circular-elliptic cross sections. It should be possible to derive a set of equations from these rotational perspective effects!

Non-Euclidean geometry has great explanatory power, yet there must be a type of "dynamics" involved, possibly related to a type of configuration space or varying density gradients. Static geometry cannot be the whole, complete explanation. Mathematician Roger Penrose demonstrated how many of the properties of three dimensional space can be created out of networks of spinors, the simplest possible "quantum mechanical objects". These spinors are used to define the two possible values of an electron's spin. He then generalized the spinor into a mathematical quantity called a twistor. The mathematics of complex numbers is used, which makes twistors hard to visualize. Geometrically, the notion of a point becomes more complicated, and secondary, defined by a conjunction of many individual twistors. A daunting approach mathematically.

Theoretically speaking, does the "absolute spacetime metric" exist?...Yes. Relativity does not prove that spacetime geometry is in all respects relative. "All-everything is relative" cannot be true. The overall spacetime structure must be stable and symmetric. The stability and symmetry are ultimately related to the existence of an absolute metric. Absolute relativity. Function and inverse function generate an axis-juxtaposition of symmetry, which can be hypothesized as an interactive temporally stratified display screen upon which the universe recursively shows itself a movie OF itself, as a process. The Eigenfunction diffeomorphism. Thus we realize that the universe is a self referential "quantum computer". All aspects of reality are intrinsic TO reality.

Time cannot merely be added on to a theory via an assumption as in the ADM formalism, whith Lorentzian manifolds, diffeomorhic to R x S with manifold S representing "space" and "t" an element of R representing time...

phi: M---> R x S

We need not invoke the "lumeniferous aether". The absolute metric must be a type of "meta-relation", as explained above.

The laws of physics would be distributed over space-time. Thus the equivalence principle results from the law: conservation of momentum-energy. This could also be interpreted as a type of Lenz' law for all mass-energy interacting with "space-time". The laws of physics are then a subset of mathematics.

The gravitational field, described by the metric of spacetime g_uv , is generated by the stress-energy tensor T^uv of matter. Various field equations relating g_uv to T^uv have been proposed. The mostsuccessfull have been the Einstein field equations which are of course, the foundation of general relativity.

G_uv == R_uv - 1/2 g_uv R = 8pi T_uv

where R_uv and R are the Ricci tensor and scalar curvature derived from the metric g_uv , and G_uv is the Einstein tensor. The equations are non-linear, since the left hand side is not a linear function of the metric.

When the gravitational field is weak, the geometry of spacetime is nearly flat and the equation is: g_uv = n_uv + h_uv , where all h_uv are << 1.

This linearized theory is very interesting.

But really, what is needed is a quantum theory of gravity-spacetime.

Successive sheets of space, sequential hypersurfaces parameterized by time, where time is not added on as an assumption.

Since the geometry of the universe can be explained as a type of language with grammatical structure, and the structure of that language is relational, space has no existence outside the relationships between things in the universe. Therefore the relation is self referential and recursive.

As Dr. Lee Smolin says: "There is nothing outside the universe". A closed circuit.


Dr. Georg Cantor proved that a one dimensional line of length "s" has the same number of points as the 2-D plane with sides "s". In fact, the number of points on the line would be the same as 3-D, 4-D, ... n-D and higher dimensional space. Very interesting.

OK, "A directed or 'oriented' line - a one dimensional 'manifold' - has for its boundary the starting point and the terminal point, both zero dimensional." A closed circuit.

The starting point is "negative".

The end point is "positive".

-A + A = 0.


The starting point is also the ending point.


"The zero dimensional boundary of a one dimensional boundary of a two dimensional region is zero".

A true statement.

"The one dimensional boundary of the two dimensional boundary of a three dimensional region is zero".

A true statement.

Space is three dimensional. A cube or tetrahedron is three dimensional.

Also symmetrical.

Energy and momentum are conserved.

If a movie is projected onto a "movie screen", the characters in the film will appear to move "relative" TO the other objects in the film... and the objects in the film could be explained as moving relative to the characters...

Yet, the screen is a type of fixed reference frame. The "absolute".

A mathematical function has an opposite and an inverse...

A function{universe-time-process} and the inverse OF the function form an axis{n-dimensional manifold} of symmetry.

The diagonal of a square is at a 45 degree angle to the horizontal. The axis of symmetry, which can also be explained as the (velocity*time) of light.

The axis of symmetry is a fixed reference frame GENERATED by the relation and inverse relation. "c".

Thus by generating a field with 180 degree reverse spin properties in relation to the surrounding spin-property of spacetime, A "zero-inertia" effect can be produced. Zero resistance TO acceleration up to the limiting velocity "c" when the theory of "special relativity" forbids faster than light travel.

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DISCLAIMER: Pancake Perspectives is an open forum filled with stories, experiences, beliefs, and theories from many people. The views within the newsletter are the opinion of the individual writer(s), and do not reflect the opinions, views, or beliefs of UFOWisconsin.